“How Much is Roxanne Kimmorley Really Worth? Uncovering Her Net Worth and Success Story” 

 March 25, 2023

How Much is Roxanne Kimmorley Really Worth? Uncovering Her Net Worth and Success Story

Do you ever wonder what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur? Roxanne Kimmorley is a great example of a visionary entrepreneur who has dared to bring her dreams to life. Her story inspires many young people who aspire to follow in her footsteps. In this post, we will delve into Roxanne Kimmorley’s success story and net worth while answering some frequently asked questions about her.


Roxanne Kimmorley is a successful entrepreneur, speaker, and businesswoman who has become a household name in Australia. She has inspired many women all over the world with her extraordinary achievements. Roxanne is a founder and CEO of MEETIG8, an innovative start-up that uses AI technology to facilitate compliance checks and due diligence.

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Roxanne Kimmorley’s Net Worth

Although there is no verifiable information regarding Roxanne Kimmorley’s net worth, her successful businesses are an indication that she is worth millions. Kimmorley’s start-up MEETIG8 has a great potential to reach greater heights and generate substantial revenues.

Roxanne Kimmorley’s Early Life

Roxanne Kimmorley was born in Australia and went to school at St John’s College. Soon after, she attended the University of Sydney to study law and politics. Kimmorley has a passion for connecting people, and during her university days, she became a regular volunteer at the Sydney Children’s Hospital. It was through volunteering at the hospital that she honed her people skills and discovered her purpose for helping others.

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Roxanne Kimmorley’s Career

After graduating from the University of Sydney, Roxanne Kimmorley spent a few years practicing law. Eventually, she decided to become an entrepreneur. Her first start-up was called Mindful Maven, a company that focused on raising awareness of health and wellness in urban areas. Mindful Maven was a huge success, and Kimmorley went on to create two more start-ups before launching MEETIG8 in 2016.

MEETIG8: Roxanne Kimmorley’s Latest Start-up

Kimmorley’s latest business venture is called MEETIG8, which streamlines due diligence and compliance checks for businesses. The start-up, founded in 2016, uses AI technology to enhance the due diligence process and save companies time and money. MEETIG8 has already won multiple awards and secured significant funding, showing that this latest venture could be the most significant of all of Kimmorley’s successful businesses.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Roxanne Kimmorley

1. What is Roxanne Kimmorley known for?
Roxanne Kimmorley is known for her innovative business ventures, notable achievements in the start-up industry, and her passion for people.

2. Is Roxanne Kimmorley married?
There is no information about Kimmorley’s marital status, as she keeps her personal life private.

3. What challenges has Roxanne Kimmorley faced in her career?
Kimmorley faced numerous challenges in her career as an entrepreneur, including hiring the right people and raising enough funds to keep her businesses afloat.

4. What advice does Roxanne Kimmorley have for aspiring entrepreneurs?
Kimmorley advises aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue their passion and never give up, even when the going gets tough.

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5. What inspired Roxanne Kimmorley to become an entrepreneur?
Kimmorley was inspired to become an entrepreneur after realizing that she had a talent for connecting people and solving problems creatively.

6. What motivated Roxanne Kimmorley to start the MEETIG8 venture?
Roxanne Kimmorley was motivated to start MEETIG8 by the lack of effective and efficient compliance processes in Australia’s financial services industry.

7. What makes Roxanne Kimmorley an inspiration to other businesswomen?
Roxanne Kimmorley is an inspiration to other businesswomen because of her resilience, innovation, and drive to succeed. She is not afraid to take risks and has a passion for making a difference in the world.

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Roxanne Kimmorley is an entrepreneur, speaker, and businesswoman who has overcome numerous challenges to achieve great success in her field. Her latest start-up, MEETIG8, demonstrates her passion for innovation and making a meaningful impact in the world. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or simply looking for inspiration, Roxanne Kimmorley’s story is a living testament to the power of determination, hard work, and persistence.

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