Simple Ways to Enhance Teacher’s Morale 

 April 13, 2022

We can often see teachers having burdened shoulders, pale faces with lots of work and a mind full of complaints. So, they spend most of the day very burdened and frustrated and this situation often makes them patients with high blood pressure and diabetes. It is said that teachers teach students good things and knowledge then why don’t they solve these issues? Actually, to solve such issues teachers also need support like students need support of their mentors and tutors. Now these issues need the support of principals. Institute ERP & school management software are provided to decrease tutor’s and student’s burden. And institute ERP and school management software work efficiently also but still some humanitarian issues seek authoritative intervention. Many articles can be seen stating what a tutor should do for effective teaching or to understand the mindset of students but no one understands that teachers are under more pressure than students. Now here the situation is mostly students seeking help get help from tutor but tutors who seek help they usually never get help at the correct time. So authorities and principals can do few very good things to help their teachers enhance their morale so that they can also have a life as normal human beings apart from their professional life.

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Teachers are also human beings and they also feel things. We usually as guardians expect a lot of things from teachers and usually, they do a lot of things to satisfy the parents expectations too but all their efforts regarding this take a toll from them by disturbing their personal and professional life through stress. Teachers should also be asked about what and how they feel in particular situations, they should also have some counselling sessions, they should also be given chances to discuss their lives, achievements, efforts, hobbies, likes/dislikes. Teachers should also be given chances to express themselves. Principals are considered as all in all in the school management but usually they don’t perform their jobs well and feed on the hard work of teachers. But some principals are very creative and they put their creativity in enhancing things about students and tutors also. To solve any issues related to the school, the principal should not take decisions alone, instead should treat tutors as a team and take their opinion and suggestions also so that their morale should develop seeing their own importance in school management.

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Principal is the mentor of tutors hence, they can use their creativity in motivating the teachers also like he or she can praise the tutors on their small but creative things as creating humour in the class, suggesting teachers how to create interest among students to attend the class more, never scold any teacher in front of students instead put a sticky note on his/her desk to make any improvement, praise any chosen tutor every month to praise his or her efforts for students, share the efforts and hard works of tutors among students they do for students and most importantly meet the parents and ask them to appreciate the creativity teachers use to make their kids learn in more interactive way. All these things if done by principal then sure and certain it can enhance the morale of the tutors.  Some principals step back in the situation of stress and anxiety like exam time or during summer camps where they have to look after children more attentively. Principal and school management should support teachers as professionals in their professional affairs like if any tutor is having burden of a lot of work and no one is helping then as authority principal should order few staff members to help the tutors, in the same ways if any teacher is absent due to certain reasons, then an additional tutor should be assigned to deal with his teacher. In this way the tutor’s stress also gets lowered so that they can function properly.

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Tutors also should have fun and who said they can’t? Teachers not only deserve it but they also need it. Teachers should be given an outing from school management to encourage their efforts for making the school or college the best one in the town. Teachers should also be allowed to play with students and enjoy it. This builds trust between students and teachers as well as both of them enjoy it too. As principal hosts a staff treat to respect and appreciate the efforts and creativity of the tutors for the school and children. All these simple ways can enhance the teacher’s morale.

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